Adventure Quest Worlds
Cheat Codes:
This game is titled also "AQ Worlds"
Submitted by: RM
Go to the center of the BattleonTown area. Click on the exclamation mark above
Valencia's head, then select the "Special Codes" button. Enter one of the following
codes to unlock the corresponding bonus.
Effect Code
Thirteen1 Badger helm - Thirteen1
Open "Beckett's shop" - Oicu812
Click any location, when yer character runs to it, press rest, it will slide there
and stop there, but when yer sliding, click another location and yer character will
slide to there too.
Fast questing:
When you get a quest dont close down the quest window, instead let it be. then go
do your quest. after that you can just click turn in as normal and then take quest
again while staying at quest spot!
Easy Level-Ups:
Go to Swordhaven and find the Inn with Artix and Robina in it. Now once you've
found the Inn and saw the Artix and Robina. Press the bubble on top of Artix's head
and a black box will appear letting you do quests like (Defend The Gates and Undead
Invasion). Now since the black box is open, don't ever close it and type on the chat
box for players this:
/join bridge-1111
Once you travel here, the black box with the quest is with you. Next step is accept
all the quest in the box and don't ever close the box. Now fight everything in the
bridge including the large Skeleton Boss with the large blade at the end of the bridge.
Once you killed the boss Skeleton, Turn in the item you have called (Undead Commander
Blade) or something to the quest you accepted called (Defend The Gates). You earn for
the blade is at least 100 experience poinst and 100 gold. Now keep repeating these
steps and you'll get yourself some good cash and fast level-up.
Pirate farming:
Go to the pirate ship and take the quest silver treauser and leave the quest window
open go kill sharky and u will get 85 gold u will also get a key use the key to unlock
the chest behind sharky and u will get 200 gold and 200 exp and do it again but make
shure to accept the quest to.
Easy money:
In noobshire complete roliths first quest.Then the second quest is get 6 rats that
golden.You dont have to do any battles so its easy 100exp and 100 gold in hour you
could have tons.
Easy gold:
Type /join battleon if you arent already there, press "News" and Read more on
Elemental Meddlers. Press the "Go to Ruins" button. It says its for members only,
but if you use the news to go there it works fine. Go to the right-most map frame,
and kill the Elemental, you want his drop. It sells at the store for 3,750 G.
Continuously kill the Elemental monster, and sell his drop at /join yulgar. To
rejoin ruin, just type /join ruins. If it says its an upgraded map, wait a minute
then join through the news. You gain around 10k every 7 minutes.
NAMA : SENA AJI PERWIRA NPM : 16115462 KELAS : 4KA08 MATKUL : ANALISIS KINERJA SISTEM A. SOAL Pengendalian TI didefinisikan sebagai suatu pernyataan hasil yang diinginkan atau maksud yang dicapai oleh prosedur pengendalian implementasi dalam kegiatan TI khusus. Terdapat 15 area pengendalian, sebut dan jelaskan ! Area pengendalian ada 15 yaitu : 1. Integritas Sistem Ketersediaan dan kesinambungan sistem komputer untuk user Kelengkapan, Keakuratan, Otorisasi, serta proses yg auditable Persetujuan dari user atas kinerja sistem yang di inginkan Preventive maintenance agreements untuk seluruh perlengkapan Kesesuaian kinerja antara S/W dan jaringan dengan yang diharapkan Serta adanya program yang disusun untuk operasi secara menyeluruh 2. Manajemen Sumber Daya a. Faktor-faktor yang melengkapi integritas sistem b. Yaitu meyakini kelangsungan (ongoing) H/W, S/W, SO, S/W aplikasi, dan komunikasi jaringan komputer, telah di pantau dan dikelol...
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